PREPPERS is a narrative comedy series that follows Charlie (NAKKIAH LUI), a young Aboriginal woman, who after suffering her own personal cataclysmic event when her life crumbles around her, escapes the fallout finding herself at the centre of a mismatched community of ‘preppers’ planning for the apocalypse at ‘Eden 2’.
CHARLIE (Nakkiah Lui)
Charlie isn’t a doomsday prepper. She doesn’t believe the world is going to end and stubbornly believes she’s trapped at Eden 2 because she has nowhere else to go. Charlie is sarcastic and pessimistic, but she does (sometimes) have a heart, especially for an underdog because she knows what it’s like to feel alone in the world. Charlie has lived life fearfully, insecure to ever truly acknowledge who she is or who she wants to be. Over the course of the series – with the help of the other preppers – Charlie will begin to re-discover a sense of purpose, find a community that accepts her real self and realise that the only hope for her is right at the edge of the end of the world.
GUY (Meyne Wyatt)
Guy views himself as a natural born leader (he isn’t) and the strongest member of “his tribe”. A cis-het Black man who tries to present himself as a Black Bear Grylls but who is vain, self-centred and not too bright, though ultimately his heart is in the right place. A former vacuum cleaner salesman, Guy is the second youngest of a group of brothers, the runt of the litter, with daddy issues. Guy sees the apocalypse as a chance to show everyone just how much of an alpha he can be… the hero he should’ve been if it wasn’t for colonisation.
KELLY AND LIONEL (Ursula Yovich and Chum Ehelepola)
Kelly and Lionel are a pair of reformed hedonists. After meeting at the buffet whilst at an orgy, Kelly and Lionel changed their ways and converted to Christianity (loosely born again and made up of their own pick and mix values), swearing to save themselves for marriage so they can lose their virginities for the first time again, together. Despite their religious ideals they have no regrets over their past promiscuous lives, are non-judgmental and remain very sex positive. They love each other deeply and care for the rest of the preppers, even if those godless heathens are bound for hell.
JAYDEN (Aaron McGrath)
Jayden is a fiercely political gen Z’er on a mission to decolonise. He was raised by his pop in a housing commission flat to believe that the end of days offers Aboriginal people the best opportunity for self-determination. Unfortunately, Jayden tends to get up on a soapbox and pontificate about race, even at the worst possible time. There’s no off button for Jayden’s relentless wokeness but in the end, he isn’t wrong. Jayden sees through people’s bullshit (like Guy’s toxic masculinity and Charlie’s own hypocrisy) and is intelligent and committed to equity and Black power.
KIRBY (Eryn Jean Norvill)
Kirby is a conspiracy theory-obsessed podcaster. Never properly socialised as a child, Kirby isn’t particularly good at understanding social cues and has a tendency to insert herself and her paranoid beliefs into any and every conversation. Kirby has a good understanding of science and engineering and loves gadgets and gizmos and her podcast, “Agent of Truth”. Not much is known about Kirby’s past – a past that Kirby guards closely. Kirby is looking for community, but first she needs to learn what it is to connect with people.
MONTY (Jack Charles)
Monty is the founder of Eden 2. He’s a showman and raconteur, part genius and part conman. But behind Monty’s tall-stories and short-cons is a good, wise heart and empathetic ear. And a man who just can’t wait for the end of the world to come (and it’ll be any day now, just trust him!).
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