
French mystery series Cherif (France Televisions) starring Abdelhafid Metalsi returns for Season 6, its last, on MHz Choice!

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Say it ain’t so! It’s the final season for Cherif (France Televisions). The good news is you won’t be disappointed and we guarantee the gang’s going out with a bang. But this last season does begin with a note of melancholy.

Gone is Captain Briard to Canada, leaving Cherif nursing a broken heart. And lurking in the shadows is still Christelle, the Cherif-obsessed nut-job who escaped from the mental hospital in season 5 and is now on the hunt.

But there is also a new female on the scene – Jennifer, the mother of the teenaged urchin, Eddy – whom Cherif has taken in as a foster dad. Jennifer is freshly out of prison (agreed, not a great recommend) and very much at odds with Cherif. They’re in a tug-of-war for Eddy’s affections and custody, which is why Eddy wants them to get along. So he and Cherif’s daughter Sarah arrange for them both to meet on a blind date. What could go wrong, right?

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