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The story of Murderous Memories (France Televisions) begins in a land where World War I never ended: the Zone Rouge, a 42,000-acre territory that, nearly a century after the Great War, has no human residents and to which only limited access is allowed. It is in Verdun, in the heart of the Red Zone, that Jean Mercier, mayor of the abandoned town of Bezonvaux, is found murdered. The investigation is entrusted to Clara Mérisi (Gaëlle Bona, Valentine Duteil in Mongeville), captain of the criminal police in Nancy. On site, she is supported by François Gilbert (David Kammenos, Murder In…), a forensic anthropologist and historian stationed at the Douaumont Ossuary, a memorial containing the skeletal remains of soldiers who died in the Battle of Verdun. And that’s when things get complicated…
Subsequent installments in this tight, three-part series put the spotlight on mysteries from World War II and other crimes from the past.
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