Meet the latest addition to MHz’s ever-growing roster of investigators from Germany’s iconic Tatort crime franchise! Tatort: Falke (OneGate Media) stars Wotan Wilke Möhring (Operation Napoleon) as federal police officer Thorsten Falke, a relentless detective from a working class background who applies the law of the street to his investigative work as he tackles tough cases in Hamburg and beyond. Falke is a loner; he has a teenage son, Torben, from a long-ago affair whom he is trying to get to know. Falke is also the adopted father to a cat named Elliot – with whom he shares a love of milk!
The series also reunites the two stars of Marnow Murders, another popular German crime thriller: Petra Schmidt-Schaller (1989: A Spy Story) portrays Falke’s partner Katharina Lorenz and Sascha Alexander Gersak (In the Face of Crime) plays their colleague Gerd Carstens. Later episodes see Franziska Weisz (Homeland) join Falke’s team as his new partner.
Tatort: Falke streams February 25th, 2025 on MHz Choice.
Note: 2025 will see a new episode of Tatort streaming every week – at least one! – encompassing brand new Tatort teams as well as new episodes for our old favorites! Freddy and Max fans – stay tuned!
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